Easily access previous versions of a page and revert if desired. Previously, this was only enabled for sites that had activated the Workflow option. Now, versions are available across all sites. You’ll find it in the Page listings. It'll save you lots of rewriting!
When you save a page, you always get a reassuring green bar that your work is preserved. Before, the bar would remain until you forced it to close. Now the bar will automatically dismiss after a few seconds.

We added a helpful option to view pages one level up. This allows you to more easily navigate between sections of your website that have a lot of subpages. Once you've used it, you'll wonder how you ever lived without it!

A new text editor (called Article Editor) is available upon request. Article has improved styling, uses a block-style layout, and additional features similar to other CMS content editors. A huge improvement is the inclusion of pre-made grid layouts that will help you design your web pages. Font styles will be customized to your company's brand identity. For now, Article Editor will only be implemented in the Pages module. Eventually, this new content editor will be added to all modules using a content editor (News, Blog, etc.).
As noted, this is an optional change for now. Let us know if you're interested in upgrading early!
When you search for pages in the admin, the results you see will be based on your user role. This means that staff with restricted user roles won't see pages they don't have permission to see.
Lots of updates to Form Builder!
Security: Keep forms secure with reCAPTCHA support within modals.
Templates: Save form sections or a group of fields as templates to easily add to other forms instead of having to re-create fields one by one. For example, you could create a template to collect address information, then include the template on other forms so you don't need to create every field again.
Email Certifications: Manage the Email Certs for encrypted emails so you can choose different certs for different emails.
Import Forms: Save time by importing existing forms from your DNN or LRS Antilles site.
Integration with Antilles Event module: No need to switch back and forth between modules! Create a form right on the Events page or plugin an existing form from Form Builder.
Added auto dismiss for positive/green Antilles alerts
Added Article Rich Text Editor as an optional beta replacement for Tiny MCE
Added 404 redirects for resources that were not set to be visible in the site admin
Added dropdown selection for scheduled job selection in scheduled tasks
Added unauthorized notification for users attempting to access admin as no access user.
Added up one level button in pages
Added view resources by category plugin with search box option
Added support for placeholders in global content for {{domain}} and {{site-name}}
Added Impersonation Bar to Authentication page
Added Admin Notes to the fields queried when running a search in Users
Added Admin Notes to the fields queried when running a search in Users
Added cache buster to resource preview in resource details screen
Updated to provide more extensive accessibility enhancements
Updated to alerts to allow persistent closing of multiple alerts
Updated search to include pages based on signed-in user's role
Updated and improvements to page stub cleaning
Updated defaults to increase the size of Resource thumbnails
Updated to Content Template Content Areas to be case insensitive
Updated Git Password field in settings page to be masked
Updated Resource Picker Integration options
Updated Resources Plugin to select a sort order in plugin settings
Fixed global content display inconsistencies in admin with what was shown on the front of the site
Fixed Antilles bar showing for non-admin and non-employee roles.
Fixed bug where script tags would execute if included in audit log page
Fixed bug where PDF documents would not display on android devices
Fixed issue where SSL wasn't set appropriately through proxies and load balancers
Fixed bug in TinyMCE where legacy plugin tags and video tags would become nested unintentionally on multiple page saves
Fixed bug with git password field in settings
Fixed bug that ignored casing in role names
Added ability to set alerts specific to pages
Added ability to override base alert color for subpages (to draw attention when page changes from primary alert)
Form Builder
Added info blurb to Recipient Email/BCC in Form Builder
Added ability to exclude snippet fields from form submissions
Added additional filters to submissions listing
Added reCAPTCHA support for forms within modals
Added button to populate the dropdown list with countries of the world in Form Builder
Added friendly error message to front-end view if the form is not active for Form Builder
Updated Form Builder to handle semicolons (in addition to commas) being entered in the Recipient Email/BCC fields
Updated Form Builder to trim trailing commas and semicolons from Recipient Email/BCC fields
Updated Form Builder Submissions screen by moving close button for individual submission to header form buttons instead of the standard box-footer to resolve visibility issues with seeing the close button
Updated List Builder to be compatible with SVG files
Updated database length of resource extension field to 5 for Resources
Updated UX to better demonstrated that selecting an item in forms dropdown will not use the to field in form settings
Updated required fields/client validation updates and scroll to form with multi-page forms
Updated / optimized submission export
Fixed issue for file uploads for internet explorer users, files wouldn't upload in some cases based on the file name
Fixed issue where the default value for dropdown fields was listed as the first value instead of set as the default value
Fixed bug where attachments couldn't be downloaded in the form submission view
List Builder
Added list sorting to list item data view
Fixed issue where image quality slider wasn't defaulting to 70 in some cases
Fixed issue where some PNG images wouldn't display
Got an idea for LRS Antilles? We often implement suggestions from our users. Give us your feedback!